육상자위대의 역사 영어로
- History of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
- 역사: 역사 [力士] =장사(壯士).역사 [役事]
- 육상자위대의 기지: Japan Ground Self-Defense Force bases
- 육상자위대의 사단: Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Division
- 육상자위대의 여단: Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Brigade
- 자위대의 역사: History of the Japan Self-Defense Forces
- 육상자위대의 부대 및 조직: Units and formations of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
- 육상자위대 육상자위대: Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
- 육상자위대 장관: Japan Ground Self-Defense Force generals
- 일본 육상자위대: japan ground self-defense force
- 해상자위대의 구축함: Destroyers of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
- 해상자위대의 기지: Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force bases
- 해상자위대의 잠수함: Submarines of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
- 제10사단 (육상자위대): 10th Division (Japan)
- 제11여단 (육상자위대): 11th Brigade (Japan)
- 제12여단 (육상자위대): 12th Brigade (Japan)